Environmental and Historical Factors Drive Genetic Diversity in East Asia's Tertiary Relict Forests
Research Decodes Dissolved Organic Matter Characterization and Reactive Oxygen Species Photogener...
Non-Native Plant Diversity Increases Risk of Future Invasion in Well-watered Conditions
Study Reveals Global Patterns of Trait Matching in Plant-Frugivore Networks
Seed Size Itself May Be A Defensive Strategy
Study Reveals Contribution of Denitrification and Anammox to Nitrogen Losses in Different Ecosyst...
Study Reveals the Domestication of Celery Varieties and the Formation Mechanisms of Key Trait
What Makes Lotus Seeds so Longevity?
LpHsfA2-molecular Module Confers Heat Tolerance in Perennial ryegrass
Eutrophication of Plateau Freshwater Lakes Induces Diverse Responses of phoD Community
Study Reveals the Relationship Between Nitrogen-cycling Microbial Communities and Nitrogen Removal
An in Silico Mass Spectral Library Helps to Profile Endogenous acyl-CoAs in Multiple Organs of Ag...