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Wuhan Botanical Garden Launched a Series of Sport Activities to Greet New Year’s Arrival


On December 26th, Wuhan Botanical Garden held a Long Distance Running Event participated by its entire personnel, marking the beginning of a series of activities to see the new year in.

Recreational and sports activities celebrating the new year are traditional for Wuhan Botanical Garden, including "Long Distance Running Event", “Tug-of-War", “Spring Shuangsheng Card Game", "Amusing Sports Game for Retired Employees", featuring variation, liveliness and entertainment.

These activities provide an avenue for interactions, communication, body fitness improvement and face-to-face exchange among the staff, which reflect the cultural conception of the WBG and the impressive bearing of its people.

The Long Distance Running Event was held in the Botanical Garden and nearly 200 people participated in that, including current personnel, retired ex-employees and graduate students.

Deputy Secretary Prof. Gong Junjie addressed New Year’s greeting before the commencement.

The Long Distance Running Event, which was held in the morning, was divided into 6 groups according to age and gender, took place in different racetracks. Gold, silver and bronze medalists were decided in the male and the female youth group, the male and the female mid-age group and the grey-hair group.

Prof. Li Shaohua, Deputy Executive Director, Prof. Gong Junjie, Vice Secretary, and Mr. Wang Zhanjun, Vice Director of the WBG awarded prizes to the medalists.  

The Tug-of-War was even more brilliant. In the rhythmic cheers of the cheer squad, players tried their best to win. Finally the horticulture center team won, with research center team being the second, and administration team and graduate student team the third and fourth. The Botanical Garden will continue with the New Year greeting activities. These recreations, being the integration of amusement, exercise and intelligence, are highly welcomed by the personnel; while highlighting the merriment of the festival, they enhance cohesion, improve team work and coordination.

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Email: wbgoffice@wbgcas.cn     ICP: 05004779-1