WBG, JKUAT to Boost Scientific Cooperation
Wuhan Botanical Garden (WBG) and Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) agreed recently to share their experience and strengthen cooperation in biodiversity and higher education.
The agreement was made during a meeting on December 4 between the director of WBG, Prof. LI Shaohua, and a delegation of Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of Kenya (MHESTK), headed by Hon. Prof. Margaret J. Kamar, Minister of MHESTK.
WBG and JKUAT have been working closely during the past three years. According to the Memorandum of Understanding signed on August 23 this year, WBG and JKUAT will jointly construct a botanical garden. The meeting set a platform for the two sides to further discuss detail of building the botanical garden, including its function, budget, area, and the project design.
WBG will take advantage of the botanical resources in Kenya to improve the scientific capacity of the two sides. LI told Kamar that WBG would like to promote sustainable cooperation with JKUAT. “The biodiversity in Kenya is richly varied and we need a botanical garden for Ex-Situ conservation," said LI.
Kamar hopes her trip to Wuhan will promote cooperation between WBG and JKUAT. “Kenya government attaches great importance to the cooperation between WBG and JKUAT. The garden to be co-built by the two sides will be the first one not only in Kenya but also in East Africa,” she said.
The delegation members also include Assistant Minister, Kamama Abongotum; Permanent Secretary, Crispus Kiamba; Chairperson of JKUAT, Rose Waruhiu; Vice Chancellor, Mabel Imbuga; Directorate of Sino-African Biodiversity Resource Conservation Center, Robert Gituru; and the architect, David Kigondu.
The delegation visiting WBG (Image by WBG)
The delegation visiting Wuhan National Bio-industry Base (Image by WBG)