How Does Color Fading Happen in Lotus Petals?
AceGBF3-AceMYBS1-AceGGP3 Networks Regulates Vitamin C Biosynthesis in Kiwifruit
Floristic Assembly Shows a Zig-zag Pattern of Phylogenetic Metrics over Elevational Gradient of M...
Study of Terpene Synthases Unveils the Flavor Secrets of Rosaceae Plants
A Checklist of the Vascular Plants Unveils the Flora of Taita Hills in Kenya
How Does Light Make Peach Peels Turn Red?
Research Completes the Chloroplast Genome of C. subtilis : Protected Rare Species
Wuling Mountains Act as the Corridor for Woody Species Exchange
Soil Microbial Community Structure and Microenvironment Jointly Drive Soil Respiration Component ...
Research Unveils the Evolution and Seed Micromorphology in Impatiens
Lotus Takes Low Oxygen‘Escape’Strategy to Combat Complete Submergence
Research Enlightens Comparative Genomics and Phylogenetic Relationships of Hoya Group