Molecular Genetics of Blood-Fleshed Peach Reveals Anthocyanin Biosynthesis Activation by NAC TFs
Researchers Revealed the Relevance between SOC Dynamics and Climatic Factors
Organohalogen Compounds Pollution in Drinking Water Sources of South China Got Investigated
Appropriate Fertilizing Patterns Balance Weed Community Biodiversity and Wheat Growth
One-step Mode Enhanced Lipid Production with Continuous Cultivation of C. pyrenoidosa by Proper SNI
De Novo Transcriptome Sequenced in P. lobata to Identify Putative Genes in Isoflavones Biosynthesis
An Ancient Duplicated MYB Gene (PpMYB10.4) Identified to Activate Leaf Red Coloration in Peach
Straw Mulching Reduces Harmful Effects of Extreme Hydrological and Temperature Conditions to Impr...
Researchers Reveal the New Large-scale Transcriptome Dataset of Cool-season Turfgrass in Response...
Winter-Flood-Tolerant Woody Species Screened for Riparian Protection Forests in the TGR WLFZ
Dissecting Tissue- and Species-specific Responses of Two Plantago Species to Waterlogging Stress ...
IAA17 Positively Modulates Natural Leaf Senescence through Melatonin-mediated Pathway in Arabidopsis