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  • Title:  Genetic Basis for Geosmin Production by the Water Bloom-Forming Cyanobacterium, Anabaena ucrainica
  • Authors: 
  • Corresponding Author:  Zhongjie Wang , Jihai Shao , Yao Xu , Biao Yan and Renhui Li*
  • Pubyear:  2015
  • Title of Journal:  Water
  • Paper Code: 
  • Volume:  7
  • Number: 
  • Page:  175-187
  • Others: 
  • Classification: 
  • Source: 


  • Geosmin is a common, musty-smelling sesquiterpene, principally produced by cyanobacteria. Anabaena ucrainica (Schhorb.) Watanabe, a water bloom-forming cyanobacterium, is the geosmin producer responsible for odor problems in Dianchi and Erhai lakes in China. In this study, the geosmin synthase gene (geo) of A. ucrainica and its flanking regions were identified and cloned by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and genome walking. The geo gene was found to be located in a transcription unit with two cyclic nucleotide-binding protein genes (cnb). The two cnb genes were highly similar and were predicted members of the cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) receptor protein/fumarate nitrate reductase regulator (Crp–Fnr) family. Phylogenetic and evolutionary analyses implied that the evolution of the geosmin genes involved a horizontal gene transfer process in cyanobacteria. These genes showed a close relationship
    to 2-methylisoborneol genes in origin and evolution. 
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