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  • Title:  Systematic Positions of Medicago Edgeworthll and M Archiducis-Nicolal(Leguminosae) Inferred From Plastid Trnk/Matk, Nuclear GA30X1 and Its Sequences
  • Authors: 
  • Corresponding Author:  Die Hu, Feifei Li, Jie Liu, Yanxia Sun, Xinwei Li, Juan Yan* and Jianqiang Li*
  • Pubyear:  2014
  • Title of Journal:  Pak. J. Bot.
  • Paper Code: 
  • Volume:  46
  • Number:  3
  • Page:  775-778
  • Others: 
  • Classification: 
  • Source: 


  • This paper characterizes the systematic positions of Medicago edgeworthii and M. archiducis-nicolai. The combined data set of chloroplast trnK/matK, nuclear GA3ox1 and ITS sequences provided a substantial amount of informative characters. The methods of Maximum parsimony, Bayesian inference, and Maximum likelihood were employed. The results showed that M. edgeworthii formed a monophyletic group with M. biflora and M. brachycarpa, both of which are members of section Lunatae; M. archiducis-nicolai is closely related to M. platycarpa and M. ruthenica. Our study supports the previous view that M. edgeworthii belongs to section Lunatae, and M. archiducis-nicolai belongs to section Platycarpae. In addition, the study suggests that M. lupulina is a member of a clade having M. tenoreana and M. minima, which indicates that M. lupulina and M. secundiflora should probably not be placed in the same section.

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