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  • Title:  Polygonatum campanulatum (Asparagaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China
  • Authors: 
  • Corresponding Author:  Xiuzhen Cai, Guangwan Hu, Elizabeth M Kamande, Veronicah M Ngumbau, Neng Wei.
  • Pubyear:  2015
  • Title of Journal:  Phytotaxa
  • Paper Code: 
  • Volume:  236
  • Number:  1
  • Page:  094–096
  • Others: 
  • Classification: 
  • Source: 


  •  Polygonatum Miller (1754: without pagination) is characterized by thick fleshy creeping sympodial rhizomes with elongated aerial stem and fleshy berries (Tamura et al. 1997). This genus contains 60 or more species in the world and widely distributed in the warm-temperate to boreal zones of the Northern Hemisphere with five species in Europe and three species in North America and concentrated (about 50 species) in East Asia (from Russia and Japan to Himalaya) (Tang 1978, Conran & Tamura 1998, Chen & Tamura 2000, Utech 2002, Judd 2003, Ohara et al. 2007). Chen & Tamura (2000) recognized 39 species for China, 20 of them being endemic to the country (see also Tang 1978). Since then, Floden (2014) and Zhao & He (2014) described two new taxa, both from Yunnan, China.
    One of the authors (GWH) carried out field exploration in western Yunnan in 2011, and collected an unknown flowering Polygonatum. After consulting relevant literature (Tang 1978, Chen & Tamura 2000, Floden 2014, Zhao & He 2014), detailed comparison with representative collections (T. L. Dai 101043 PE!; Z. D. Chen 961208 PE!; H. J. Li 1108, 2259 PE!; Y. Liu 575 PE!; Hubei Shennongjia G. s.n. PE!; L. H. Zhao 13062903 SZ!; M. X. Nie 08775 LBG!; R. P. Farges s.n IBSC!) and previously described species, several unique morphological characteristics clearly distinguish these plants from other species and we here describe them as a new species, Polygonatum campanulatum.
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