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  • Name:  Si-Chong Chen
  • Title:  Professor
  • Education:  PhD
  • TEL:  027-87700889
  • Email:  chensichong@wbgcas.cn
  • Address:  Wuhan Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences No. 201 Jiufeng 1 Road, East Lake High-Tech Development Zone, Wuhan, Hubei, P. R. China
  • Research Divisions: 

    Research Center for Plant Diversity


    Professional specialty:

  • Macroecology; Biogeography; Seed ecology; Plant life strategies; Species interaction

    Our group work on plant regeneration and biotic interaction at the macroecological scale. We aim to contribute to our understanding of ecology, especially seed ecology, in three key ways: 1) by narrowing the gaps between data, intuitive ideas and theories; 2) by enhancing the integration of replicated studies at a macro-ecological scale; and 3) by extending understanding from a local scale and a small number of species to a global scale spanning many biomes and taxonomic groups.

    Student: HUANG Xiao   FU Fanyu   HU Zhian   XU Qingqing  Wang Haoyu  Gerald Keneth Kaniaru
    Postdoctor: Zong Lu

    Funded projects:

    Academic service:

  • 2023 ~ present, Associate Editor, Methods in Ecology and Evolution
    2022 ~ present, Youth Editor, Integrative Zoology
    2020 ~ present, Subject Editor, Oikos
    2020 ~ present, Guest Editor, Frontiers in Plant Science, Special Issue “Functional Seed Ecology”
    Reviewer for 40+ journals, including Ecology Letters, New Phytologist, Journal of Ecology, Evolution, Global Ecology and Biogeography, etc.


    Aawards and honors:

    Major publications:

    1. Chen S-C*, Antonelli A, Huang X, Wei N, Dai C & Wang Q*. (2025) Large seeds as a defensive strategy against partial granivory in the Fagaceae. Journal of Ecology ,113(3): 598–607.
    2. Huang X, Dalsgaard B & Chen S-C*. (2025) Weaker plant-frugivore trait matching towards the tropics and on islands. Ecology Letters,28(1): e70061.
    3. Chen SC*, Wang B & Moles AT .2021. Exposure time is an important variable in quantifying post-dispersal seed removal.Ecology Letters24(7): 1522–1525.
    4. Chen SC*, Poschlod P, Antonelli A, Liu U & Dickie JB .2020. Trade-off between seed dispersal in space and time. Ecology Letters23(11): 1635–1642.
    5. Chen SC*, Wu L-M, Wang B & Dickie JB .2020. Macroevolutionary patterns in seed component mass and different evolutionary trajectories across seed desiccation responses. New Phytologist228(2): 770–777.
    6. Chen SC*, Dener E, Altman A, Chen F &Giladi I .2020. Effect of habitat fragmentation on seed dispersal ability of a wind-dispersed annual in an agroecosystem. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment304: 107138.
    7. Moles AT*, Laffan SW, Keighery M, Dalrymple RL, Tindall ML &Chen SC* .2020. A hairy situation: Plant species in warm, sunny places are more likely to have pubescent leaves. Journal of Biogeography47(9): 1934–1944.
    8. Chen SC*& Giladi I .2020. Variation in morphological traits affects dispersal and seedling emergence in dispersive diaspores of Geropogon hybridus. American Journal of Botany107(3): 436–444.
    9. Chen SC*, Tamme R, Thomson FJ & Moles AT* .2019. Seeds tend to disperse further in the tropics. Ecology Letters22(6): 954–961.
    10. Chen SC*, Pahlevani AH, Malíková L, Riina R, Thomson FJ & Giladi I .2019. Trade-off or coordination? Correlations between ballochorous and myrmecochorous phases of diplochory. Functional Ecology33(8): 1469–1479.
    11. Wu LM#, Chen SC#& Wang B*.2019. An allometry between seed kernel and seed coat shows greater investment in physical defense in small seeds. American Journal of Botany106(3): 371–376.
    12. Chen SC*& Giladi I .2018. Allometric relationships between masses of seed functional components. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics35: 1–7.
    13. Chen SC*& Moles AT .2018 . Factors shaping large-scale gradients in seed physical defence: Seeds are not better defended towards the tropics. Global Ecology and Biogeography27(4): 417–428.
    14. Chen SC*, Hemmings FA, Chen F & Moles AT .2017. Plants do not suffer greater losses to seed predation towards the tropics. Global Ecology and Biogeography26(11): 1283–1291.
    15. Chen SC*, Cornwell WK, Zhang H-X & Moles AT .2017. Plants show more flesh in the tropics: Variation in fruit type along latitudinal and climatic gradients. Ecography40(4): 531–538.
    16. Chen SC*& Moles AT .2015. A mammoth mouthful? A test of the idea that larger animals ingest larger seeds. Global Ecology and Biogeography24(11): 1269–1280.
    17. Chen SC, Cannon CH*, Kua CS, Liu JJ & Galbraith DW .2014. Genome size variation in the Fagaceae and its implications for trees. Tree Genetics & Genomes10(4): 977–988.
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