Root Exudates Indirectly Regulate Nutrient Removal in the Pond-ditch Circulation System
C. spinarum Possesses Phenolic Compounds with Remarkable Antioxidant, Anti-Inflammatory and Hepat...
Researchers Programme Three Homoeoalleles in Tall Fescue
Research Reveals the Mechanism Underlying Male Sterility in Peach
Biocontrol Agent Causes Non-target Effect on Native Insects through Food Web Interaction
Distinct Methylome Patterns Contribute to Lotus Ecotypic Differentiation
Researchers Clarify the Role of Ethylene and Abscisic Acid in Kiwifruit Ripening Process
Researchers Report the Complete Chloroplast Genome of Clethra fargesii Franch.: the Original Symp...
Researchers Decipher the Role of Rare and Abundant Bacteria on Ecosystem Multifunctionality in Sa...
Research Summarizes the Up-to-date Ethnobotanical Uses, Chemistry, Pharmacology, and Distribution...
Researchers Disentangle the Maintenance Mechanism of Microbial Diversity in Wetlands from the Qin...
Researchers Isolated and Identified New Lignanamides with Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Activ...