Exotic Species Invasions Enhance Biodiversity Response to Climate Change
Research Unveils the Superior Antioxidant Capacity of Red-fleshed Peach
Transcription Factor AaBIM1 Regulates Postharvest Fruit Softening of Kiwiberry
Key Factor Influences Expression Divergence of Duplicate Genes from Ancient Polyploidy Events in ...
Secrets of Tree Mortality Get Revealed in Temperate Forests
Seeds with and without Pericarps Adopt Distinct Germination Strategies
Study Enlightens Taxonomy and Habit Evolution of Ainsliaea Genus
Study Reveals the Spatial Variations in Temperature Sensitivity of Aerobic and Anaerobic Organic ...
Research Reveals Latitude Patterns and Controlling Factors of Microbial Residues and Lignin Pheno...
Study Enlightens Ethnopharmacology of Hagenia abyssinica to Treat Parasites
Study Dissects Histochemical Localization and Biosynthesis Molecular Mechanisms of Bletilla stria...
New Species of Callicarpa Dicovered in Hunan