Lotus Enlightens the Gene Fate after A Single Whole-genome Duplication in Angiosperm
CER16 Encoding an Unknown Protein Regulates Arabidopsis Alkane Biosynthesis at Post-transcription...
A New Monoecious Peponium Species Found in Kenya:The Others Being Dioecious
Ottelia alismoides Performed C4 Photosynthesis without Kranz Anatomy
Species Richness and Assemblage Critically Affects Submerged Macrophytes Restoration in Eutrophic...
Researchers Reveal Noticeable Seasonality in the Abundance and Composition of Periphyton under Di...
A New Species of Croton from a Madagascan Lineage Discovered in Kenya
Three PG Candidate Genes Involve in Pectin Degradation and Fruit Softening in Kiwifruit Genome
MdSUT4.1 Participates in the Regulation of Fruit Sugar Accumulation in Apple
Shift in Functional Plant Groups under Flooding Impacts Ecosystem C and N Dynamics
Researchers Reveal Relationship between Soil Labile and Recalcitrant C and N Dynamics and Changes...
How Environmental Factors and Microorganisms Regulate Soil Biogeochemical Processes in Tibetan We...