How Short-term Litter Input Manipulation Affects Soil Respiration and Its Carbon-isotopic Signatu...
Researchers Assess SOC and TN in Different Soil Layers Using VNIR Spectroscopy Improved by Spiking
Researcher Reveals Characteristics of Vc Accumulation in Apple
H2O2 and Ca2+ Signals Intergrated to Enhance Grass Acclimation to Salt Stresses
Researcher Reveals How Soil Microbial Community and Biomass Reacts to Land Use Change
Basal Eudicot Sacred Lotus Research Enlightens miRNA Family Evolutionary Patterns
Researchers Cooperates to Evaluated Rhizospheric Carbon-Nitrogen Interactions
New Study Reveals Diaporthe lithocarpus and Pestalotiopsis microspora Causing Postharvest Rot of ...
New Species from Kenya Discovered by Chinese Scientists
Comparative Profiling of miRNAs in Distant-Grafting between Tomato and Lycium
Unnatural Production of Plant-derived Anti-cancer Compound Betulinic Acid in Microbes Using Synth...
EsAN2 and EsMYBF1 Enlighten the Biosynthesis and Regulation of the Flavonoid Pathway in Epimedium