Researchers Unveil Effects of Litter Chemistry on Lignin Degradation
Researchers Apply Full-length Transcriptome Sequencing Technology in Lotus
A New Species of Orchid Discovered in Kenya by SAJOREC
How Soil Microbial Community Structure Responds Spatially to Plant Distribution ?
WBG Makes Progress in Quantifying the Fate of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Soil at Different Depths
Thiol Groups Determine How Silver Nanoparticles and Proteins Interact?
Researchers Identify Factors Regulating C Concentrations and Their Stable Isotopic Signatures in ...
How Soil Net CH4 Uptake Rates Response to Short-term Litter Input Change?
How Plant Responses to Herbivore-specific Induction ?
A New Strategy to Elevate Productivity of Microalgae Cultivation: SPMC Regime
Researchers Reveal A Moderate Genetic Diversity, Substantial Genetic Differentiation, and High Ge...
What Shaped the Current Distribution of Torreya ?